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Helping you gain career clarity and show impact

Lisa Owner of Elev8 Oval Pic

As a tech career coach, I specialize in helping folks translate their technical abilities into business value. I understand what you do, your technical skills, your need to be seen and heard, and your struggles to put it all down on paper - because I've been there.

I can help with strategies to be a better interviewer, get that promotion, negotiate that salary, or just to navigate the workplace. Once you are ready to start, click below to schedule a discovery call.

Career Coaching Services

Look what my clients have achieved!

  • A Decision Support Manager was offered a new job as IT Director by prepping for her interview, knowing her worth, negotiating her salary and perks.  

  • A banking Director evaluated her career, identified her skill gaps, and pivoted to Product Development within her company.

  • A client was promoted from Financial Analyst to Financial Manager to Procurement Manager for a 30%+ salary increase with interview preparation, salary negotiation, and confidence coaching. 

My Coaching Philosophy and How I Help

I believe that job seekers sometimes need a little help getting unstuck—from an experienced coach and professional who can offer candid and straightforward advice. As your strategic partner, I’m here to help you overcome your career challenges, whether it’s translating technical skills to convey your business worth, strategizing your next career move, preparing for an interview, evaluating a job offer, and more. 

I never use off-the-shelf programs. Instead, I offer flexible and one-on-one sessions tailored exclusively for you, ensuring a focused experience aligned with your unique career objectives.

Client Recommendation

recommendation here​

What's My Coaching Process?

career discovery process


Client needs help in identifying their new direction

  • Evaluate strengths, abilities, and job needs - This could include completing job aptitude, assessents or personality tests. The client will evaluate their job wants and needs using their life's experiences as a basis for exploration.

  • Evaluate and choose potential career & target job - This phase involves researching different professions and industries, scrutinizing example posting, doing salary research, and examining outlooks of jobs. 

  • Identify learning plan and skill gaps - Learning outcomes necessary to break into the new job/industry will be identified as well as potential career paths. Job requirements will be mapped to the client's current skillset and gaps identified.  A job search plan and any necessary training delivered. 

  • Execute Learning Plan - This could include training, certifications, being mentored, attending school or classes. Each plan is different and tailored to the client and their target job and new career direction. 

How I can help you meet your career goals


Helping you be the best you can be

Interview Preparation/Hour
Job Search Coaching/Hour
Career Coaching/Hour
LInkedIn Optimization
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